The “M.G.M.K Labs Containment Unit” as we’ve come to know it, was initially created as a trade show demonstration of MacGuffin’s capabilities. We designed the unit around several practical, in-camera effects that could be demonstrated in a live setting. Using the hardware and controller from a standing desk, old surplus lights and maintenance panels, and custom cut MDF, we created a retro-futuristic containment safe meant to hold precious goods!
All design, fabrication, wiring and scenic was completed in house. At our live experience, guests could use our business card to activate the lift mechanism as if it was an access key.
The prop was recently re-dressed to be used in “FLAVOR CONTAINMENT” which was a semi-finalist spot in the Doritos Crash the Superbowl competition. It now resides in our shop’s showroom waiting for the next production or event rental. If you’re interested in using this prop, please reach out to us via email!